Welcome to our Promise Program

At 91ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ, we believe so strongly in the uniqueness of our education and its power to do good in the world that we want to share it. That’s why we’ve created our Promise Program – a career-readiness program for all undergraduate students. The 91ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ Office of Career Advising and Development is here to work with you in connecting with Promise Program opportunities related to the mentorship, interview, and internship programs of Promise.


Getting Started


All the resources you need for the Mentorship, Internship, and Mock Interview Promise opportunites are in the Canvas class created just for you. As you navigate the course modules, know that your submissions and the resulting scores, are not part of your academic transcript. As you move through this program, however, you must maintain an overall grade of 70% or higher within the Promise course as it gauges your engagement with the program.

A few points to remember:

  • You must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 academically to be eligible for the Promise Program and the opportunities associated with it
  • You must complete the Foundations Module in the Canvas class to be eligible for any of the Promise Program opportunities facilitated by Career Advising and the college community as a whole
  • Each of the Promise Program modules - Mentorship, Internship, Mock Interview - must be completed the semester before you wish to access the opportunity. For example, if you wish to access a mock interview spring semester of your senior year, you must complete the Mock Interview Module in the fall of your senior year

Mentorship Promise


Full-time First year and Sophomore students
Focus on a smooth transition from high school to college and develop meaningful relationships with faculty members.  You have an advisor on campus; be sure to develop that relationship, ask questions, and understand the power behind having help in navigating your academic journey. These connections provide a foundation for future mentoring opportunities. Know that spring of your sophomore year, you can begin the Mentorship application process.

Full-time Junior and Senior students 
Actively prepare for life after 91ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ by participating in the Mentorship Program.  Students who complete the Foundations and Mentoring modules will be eligible for the Mentorship Program. You must complete the Mentorship module in Canvas the semester before you wish to access this opportunity. 

Internship Promise

career fair

Full-time Junior and Senior students
Internships are an integral part of your personal and professional development. 91ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ recognizes the impact an internship can make, and we back that up with the Promise program. We will work with you over your time here at 91ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ to secure an internship. This promise can be realized either your junior or senior year. To be clear, you should be seeking and applying for multiple internships during your search. The Career Advising office is available to you through your journey, make sure to reach out with questions at [email protected].

You will start the process by completing the Foundations and Internship modules in Canvas. After completing the Promise Program modules, working with the Career Advising office, and taking part in campus opportunities, you will be ready to engage your skills and abilities in the professional arena.

Mock Interview Promise


Full-time Senior students
Your feeling comfortable in the interview process is something 91ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ Career Advising values. With that, we have suggestions to support you in better understanding how to make a positive, lasting impact during interviews. You should create a Handshake profile and complete the Foundations and Mock Interview modules by fall semester, senior year, to be eligible for the Interview program. You will hold a mock interview with a member of our alumni or the community at large. In participating in this mock interview you will be better prepared for future interviews. 

Get in Touch

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Reilly Hall 342

1419 Salt Springs Road,
Syracuse, NY 13214


(315) 445-4185