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Each day at Le Moyne College we strive for greatness, always through the eyes of goodness. Based on a Jesuit tradition that is equal parts passion and compassion, we believe success and integrity don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

Linda LeMura, Ph.D. President of Le Moyne College

Passion meets Compassion

You’ll find the Heights to be a place that is completely (and unapologetically) optimistic.

Contemplation. Discernment. Action.

At Le Moyne College, Greatness meets Goodness is not just something we say, we live it every day. And isn’t that what the world could use more of today?

It’s not always easy to create change. It takes patience, cooperation and understanding. But we believe that change is possible and that it can start with a single person. Throughout my time here, I’ve been taught to be an agent of change – that every day is an opportunity to reset.”

Morgan Piersma ’23

Learn more about our heritage and values.